This answer is intended to help us better serve people seeking permission to re-publish Globe content (photos, articles, page reproductions, videos, multimedia, and graphic elements).
In all cases, permission is granted for a specific use, and under no circumstances may Globe content be further redistributed or reproduced. Any such use without prior written permission from The Boston Globe constitutes a violation of federal copyright law.
Requirements and Guidelines to keep in mind:
- Identify the item you wish to use by the headline (article, video) or caption (photos, graphics)
- Provide the name of the writer, photographer, or illustrator
- If you found this article, photo, video, or graphic on, please provide the URL
- Describe the intended use
- Specify quantity: the number of reprints or photocopies, or for republication, the circulation or print run
- If you plan to post Globe content on the web, provide the planned duration of the post in 3-month increments
- If you are requesting research, be as specific as possible with your description. Research fees are non-refundable and are based on the amount of time spent on your request
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